王力 : 罗兰, 你 去 哪儿? Wang Li: Loren, where are you going?http://www.echineseonline.com/upload/ecoupload/2013-05/28/103299.mp3
罗兰 : 我 去 中国 银行。 Loren: I’m going to the Bank of China.http://www.echineseonline.com/upload/ecoupload/2013-05/28/103301.mp3
王力 : 中国 银行 很 远。 你 要 换 钱 还是 取 钱? Wang Li: (The closest) Bank of China is very far from here. Do you want to exchange money or withdraw?http://www.echineseonline.com/upload/ecoupload/2013-05/28/103304.mp3
罗兰 : 我 要 取 钱。 Loren: I want to withdraw money.http://www.echineseonline.com/upload/ecoupload/2013-05/28/103302.mp3
王力 : 你 可以 用 自动 取款机 取 钱。 Wang Li: You can(easily)use an ATM to withdraw money.http://www.echineseonline.com/upload/ecoupload/2013-05/28/103300.mp3
罗兰 : 我 只有 中国 银行 的 信用卡, 可以 用 吗? Loren: I only have a Bank of China credit card. Can I use it?http://www.echineseonline.com/upload/ecoupload/2013-05/28/103303.mp3
王力 : 可以。 很 方便。 Wang Li: Yes, you can. It’s very convenient.http://www.echineseonline.com/upload/ecoupload/2013-05/28/103298.mp3
This is one of the interrogative sentence structures in Chinese. There are two or more answers to this kind of sentence. You should use "...(是)...还是..." to connect and contrast the choices in the question. This then prompts the responder to choose one of the choices as their answer/response.
Wang Li met Loren on her way to withdraw money from the bank which was very far away. Let's listen to their conversation and see what Wang Li suggests Loren do. This Chinese video lesson will also help you master asking and answering an alternative question in Chinese.