Chinese Video Courses >> Beginner Chinese Series 2 >> I would like to exchange money.

I would like to exchange money.

Lesson Information
Instructor:  Jo
Length:  15:34
Introduction:  The bank has many formalized procedures and the language to go with them.
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This lesson introduces the Chinese currency Renminbi, larger Chinese numbers as well as some basic Chinese measure words, such as “个 (gè), 十 (shí), 百 (bǎi), 千 (qiān).” Moreover, you will learn expressions such as please sign your name, and the pivotal sentence structure.

Juan Antonio says

It is me again sorry but in your exercises part 1, fourth question I think there is a mistake as I have understood the correct answer should be option C but instead of that the system marks option B as the correct answer. Please correct me if Im wrong. 
Have a nice day  
September 17, 2014 Reply
Helen Zhang (Chinese Teacher) in reply to Juan Antonio
Thank you for letting us know about this. You are right, the answer should be Option C. Now we have fixed it.
September 22, 2014 Reply
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