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Chinese Test (Beginner)
Why Did She Knock Over the Vinegar Jar?
Learn Chinese Language -“醋坛子(Cù tánzi) Vinegar Jar”
              Zĕnme le, xiàbān hái bù huíjiā?
Wang Li:   怎么 了,下班   还  不  回家?
             Bù xiănɡ huí qù.
Li Ming: 不    想    回 去。
              Hé nĭ lăopó chăojià le?
Wang Li: 和 你 老婆     吵架  了?
             Shì a! Zuótiān wŏ hé yí ge nǚ tóngshì yìqĭ chī fàn, tā jiù dă fān cù tánzi le.
Li Ming:  是啊。昨天    我  和 一个 女    同事  一起 吃 饭,她就 打  翻  醋 坛子了。
What happened to Wang Li’s wife yesterday?
A. She spilled the vinegar.
B. She broke the vinegar jar.
C. She was jealous.


I have learned Survival Chinese courses here for a week and noticed that in Lesson 4 of the Survival Chinese course there is the measure word "个." The usage of this is not very clear to me? Could you explain it? Thanks!

- Tina


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Edinburgh, UK
Aug. 14, 2017

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