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Learn Mandarin Online - How Many Daughters Do You Have?

The correct answer for this quiz is C.
“千金 (qiānjīn)” is a courteous expression for referring to another person’s daughter. Read about the origin of the Chinese word "千金 (qiānjīn)" here in this story.
A long time ago, the state of Han was weak and small, so it often became the scapegoat of the great power. However, the state of Han was rich in beautiful women, so the people of Han were forced to sell their beautiful girls to make up for the lack of national power. The most beautiful girl was sold for the price of "三千金 (sān qiānjīn) three thousand gold." Afterwards, "千金 (qiānjīn)" is used to refer to beautiful unmarried girls. It ultimately became a courteous expression referring to another person’s loving daughter.
Nín yŏu jǐ wèi qiānjīn?
您 有 几 位 千金?
How many daughters do you have?