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Chinese Test (Beginner)

Did I Hold Others Back?

Learn Popular Chinese Phrase – “拖后腿 (Tuō hòu tuĭ )”

Choose the correct answer to the question.

Li Mei is climbing the mountain with her friends. She is a little fat and moves much slower than the others.

                Děng deng wŏ, děng deng wŏ.
     Li Mei:    等      等   我, 等     等   我。  

                 Kuài diănr ba. Nĭ yòu tuō dà jiā hòu tuĭ le.
Zhou Hui:    快  点儿 吧。你  又   拖  大 家  后  腿 了。   

What is Zhou Hui trying to express?

A. She thinks Li Mei is holding the others’ hind legs.
B. She doesn’t want to hold the others’ hind legs.
C. She thinks that Li Mei is holding the others back.