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Answer to the Chinese Test

Learn Chinese Expressions from Mandarin Lessons – How to Respond to Praise?

The correct answer for this quiz is B.


In this quiz, the three options are used under different circumstances. The first one “你别拍马屁了。(Nǐ bié pāi măpì le.)” means, “Don’t flatter me.” “拍马屁 (pāi măpì)” is a derogatory term; it is used only when you want to show mild disapproval. So be cautious when you use this phrase.


Tā zhēn huì pāi mă pì!
他    真   会   拍  马  屁!    
He is good at currying favor!

The second one “您过奖了。 (Nín guòjiăng le.)” means “You have over-praised me.” “过奖 (guòjiăng)” is a Chinese saying that expresses modesty when the speaker thinks the praise he or she has received is too much. As a polite response to the teachers praise, the student would say “您过奖了。(Nín guòjiăng le.)”


Nín guòjiăng le, wŏ hái xūyào gèngjiā nǔlì.
 您      过奖 了,我  还   需要     更加  努力。    
You have over-praised me. I still have a long way to go.

The last one “您夸张了。(Nín kuāzhāng le.)” means “You have exaggerated the fact.” “夸张 (kuāzhāng)” is a neutral term used to express that something has been exaggerated. The word “夸张 (kuā zhāng)” has no relation to a compliment and is not used as an answer to praise.


Zhè gè wèntí bèi tā shuō de tài kuāzhāng le.
  这  个  问题  被 她   说    得 太      夸张    了。    
She is exaggerating the problem.