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Chinese General (Beginner)

How Do Chinese Flex Their Bargaining Muscle: Group Purchasing?

Key Learning Points (Preview):

团 (tuán) n. team/group    
购 (gòu) v. to purchase/to buy    
团购 (tuángòu) n./v. group purchase    
折扣 (zhé kòu) n. discount    

“今天你团购了吗?(Jīntiān nǐ tuángòu le ma?) Did you group purchase today?” has become a common expression in China, especially among the younger generation. “团购网 (tuángòu wang) group purchasing websites,” similar to the largest site, Groupon, have thrived in China. Some such sites include MeiTuan, LaShou in Beijing and FunShare in Hong Kong. And they have been quickly gaining popularity. So why has group purchasing become so popular? Well, China is a country where getting the best possible “折扣 (zhé kòu) discount” is virtually a national pastime. Bargaining has long been a way of life in China. Through group purchasing, you can get items at an especially low price, all while in the comfort of your own home. In our opinion, sometimes the bargaining can be even more enjoyable than the purchase itself!

Key Learning Points:

团 (tuán) n. team/group    
购 (gòu) v. to purchase/to buy    

团购 (tuángòu) n./v. group purchase    

Rúguŏ bù xiăng jiăngjià, jiù tuángòu ba!
 如果    不   想     讲价, 就   团购     吧!
If you don’t want to bargain alone, group purchase!

折扣 (zhékòu) n. discount    

Duìbùqǐ, zhǐyŏu bĕndiàn VIP huìyuán cáinéng xiăngshòu zhékòu.
对不起,  只  有    本店     VIP   会员      才能          享受       折扣。
Sorry, only VIP cards at our store get a discount.