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What are the pinyin and Chinese characters for “It costs about ten hours thirty minutes.”
Posted by Salvio September 25, 2011
Helen Zhang (Chinese Teacher) says
The Pinyin and Chinese characters for the sentence you mentioned are: Zhè dàyuē yào huā shí gè bàn xiǎoshí. 这大约要花十个半小时。 It takes about ten hours thirty minutes. Learn words in this sentence: “花” can be used as both noun and verb. As a noun, it refers to flower. As a verb, it mean “to cost, to spend.” For examples: 玫瑰花很漂亮。 The rose is beautiful. Wǒ wǔcān huā le shí yuán. 我午餐花了十元。 The lunch cost me ten Yuan.
September 25, 2011
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